Elevate your driving experience with a car air freshener infused with Kannauj perfume, featuring a refreshing lemongrass scent. This fragrance brings a burst of citrusy freshness to your car, creating a calm and refreshing atmosphere. Handcrafted with the finest ingredients, the scent of lemongrass helps to relax your senses and uplift your mood. Transform every ride into a rejuvenating journey with this premium Kannauj perfume air freshener.
- Class: 3
- Type of Goods: Manufactured
- GI Origin: Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh
- Proof of Origin: Since 1st Century AD
- GI Application No.: 157 & 158
- GI Status Awarded: Yes, Registered
- Dispatched within 5-7 working days
- Ensured Geographical Origin, Quality & Authenticity
- For bulk queries, WhatsApp us on +91-9711676661
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